Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Striped scorpion

Other Common Names: Plains Scorpion, Wood Scorpion

Scientific Name: Centruroides vittatus

Description: Average scorpion length is 1 to 1 1/2 inches. Young scorpions are pale yellowish-brown, usually with two lengthwise dark stripes on their abdomen; older scorpions are uniform dark brown with the stripes faint or lacking.

Missouri Habitat: A scorpion's favorite habitat is a glade. Glades are rocky, dry areas with a very thin layer of topsoil over thick bedrock. Grasses and small plants adapted to this sunny habitat cover glades, along with shrubs and stunted trees. Scorpions prefer glades with lots of loose rock (such as limestone or dolomite glades) so that they can hide from the sun during the day. They are nocturnal, meaning they are active at night.

Scorpions are sometimes found in buildings and shelters, as well as under piles of wood, brush, or garbage. This is particularly true in the Ozarks and other areas that have a lot of glades. Scorpions seek these places out, especially if there are few humans around, because here they find ideal shelter and plentiful food supplies.

1 comment:

Rosy Smith said...

Actually I really scared about The i got a very new information about The "Striped scorpion" thanks..
Sea Bird